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good news, & surgery

August 7th, 2005 at 06:04 pm

Friday I received an email from my supervisor at my old second job, the one I gave up voluntarily when I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel and realized I'd be unable to work for awhile. She was offering me the position again if I wanted it, as they had just gotten a college student to cover for the summer. She said if I am interested I can have it Smile I am very happy, I really thought they were changing the staffing plan all around and my position wouldn't even exist anymore ~ woohoo! This job is so easy, the people are nice, and the hours are 4:30-9. It brings home an extra $250 for a 22.5 hour work week, after taxes. She said she realizes I may not have an estimated date of return, but just to keep her updated. I am thrilled, I can't even express it, because this will help me so much more in my overall plan.

This whole experience with SO and his job has left a sour taste in my mouth. His job is of great benefit due to the fact that we do not pay rent or utilities. The (obvious) downside is that we are out of a home should he lose his job. This is not something he wants to do long-term, but he feels kind of stuck right now - the easy quick fix is for him to get another superintendent job (like he has done), so we continue to live rent-free. He is also still trying to figure out what he does want to do, because his interests tend to lean toward things he physically cannot do due to his knee: police officer, firefighter, etc. His dream? To own an autobody/customization shop. It is difficult to make certain things reality, but we'll see what can be done about that one day.

Anyhow, my whole point is that I have my after-debt goal: I am buying a townhouse/condo. Not a house, they are really expensive in NJ, and the above fits our needs and budget. Also, I think it would be smart to start out that way, as we can build equity and have something to our names when we do go for a real house one day. My goal is to have a down payment by this time next year. I planned on doing this without the second job, so I am delighted because this is an easy extra grand a month right into my account. I will get rid of all the debt first and then all that money will be directly deposited. Another benefit is that I will be receiving a settlement because of my surgery, between $6-10k I was told by my lawyer. SO also has a larger settlement due to him for his knee surgeries. Now, we may not go right out and buy a house by this time next year, but I want to know that if we need/want to, we can.

Tomorrow is my surgery, so I will be away from the computer for awhile...whatever will I do Smile I hope it heals fast.

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